In the world of cinema, July 21, 2023, marked a momentous day that sent shockwaves through Hollywood. Christopher Nolan and Greta Gerwig engaged in an epic...
The Silk Road has grabbed the imagination of the entire globe with its romanticised images of caravans travelling across faraway locations while carrying silk and spices....
Mental health and cognitive function are intertwined aspects of our well-being that profoundly impact our daily lives. Just as our physical bodies benefit from regular exercise,...
With a rare and deadly epidemic of the Nipah virus, Kerala finds itself in a race against time. Two people have already died as a result...
In a tragic and somber turn of events, the Garol forests of Jammu and Kashmir’s Anantnag district became the backdrop for a fierce encounter between security...
The release of a shocking video depicting a US police officer making cruel jokes about the tragic death of Jaahnavi Kandula, a 23-year-old Indian student in...
Garam masala, the heart of Indian cuisine, is more than just a spice blend; it’s an aromatic symphony that elevates dishes to new heights. The word...
In a distressing incident that unfolded in Hong Kong, an individual of Indian origin found himself in police custody for allegedly molesting a South Korean tourist...
In a tragic incident that occurred in the early hours of Wednesday (13/09/23) morning in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, a group of pilgrims from Gujarat were involved in...
Renowned Bollywood superstar and entrepreneur Deepika Padukone has recently made her foray into the world of skincare and wellness with the launch of her brand, 82°E....