The bustling Indian metropolis of Delhi is currently dealing with a severe air quality problem that puts the health and wellbeing of its residents at serious...
Amritpal Singh, a soldier hired through the Agnipath Scheme, died tragically, sparking intense debate in India. Amritpal, who hailed from Punjab, committed suicide on October 11...
President Joe Biden is trying to negotiate a path towards a Palestinian state while also expressing a wish to see Hamas defeated in the midst of...
In the 9th G20 address Administrative Speakers’ Summit( P20), Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the G20 administration assured fests in India throughout the time. As...
Israel has released horrendous images of murdered babies as conditions worsen. Some of the images show the blackened and scorched bodies of babies. Israel said the...
Israel’s military ordered the evacuation Friday of more than 1 million Palestinians from the northern Gaza Strip, a move that the United Nations described as potentially...
This week promises a compelling list of movies and series that will appeal to a wide range of preferences in the constantly changing world of streaming...
In a recent and significant legal development, the Delhi High Court has refused to intervene in the arrest and subsequent police custody of Prabir Purkayastha, the...
In a remarkable ruling, the Supreme Court of India intervened in the continuing political unrest in Maharashtra and demanded that the disqualification processes against rebel MLAs...
Delhi High Court on Batla House encounter know that penalty for Ariz khan. The Delhi High Court has refused to confirm that judgment passed by the...